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Quick Start 2.0

This is a new tutorial for rollup-based contracts with CL tools.


WeaveDB rollup is at the very early stage. Please expect bugs, and use it with caution.

1. Test Locally

You would want to test everything with your local environment before deploying the DB instance in production.

weavedb-tools makes it easiler.

Install WeaveDB Tools

sudo npm -g install weavedb-tools

Now you can use weavedb global command.

Create a Project

weavedb create your_project
cd your_project

Write DB Settings

Write DB settings in each file under db directory.
You would need schemas, indexes, rules, relayers, triggers and crons according to your dapp architechtue.

Let's build the simplest dapp where users can post and delete messages.


You would start with the data schemas. WeaveDB uses JSONSchema.
We will define only one collection posts with id, body, owner, and date fields. All the fields are required.

module.exports = {
posts: {
type: "object",
required: ["id", "body", "owner", "date"],
properties: {
id: { type: "string" },
description: { type: "string" },
owner: { type: "string" },
date: { type: "number" },


We want to filter the posts by owner and sort them by date in decending order.

module.exports = {
posts: [
[["owner"], ["date", "desc"]], // sort by owner, then date

Access Control Rules

FPJSON 2.0 has made the access control rules drastically simpler, powerful and flexible.
You can now define custome queries such as add:post.
We will only let users upload body, and id, owner and date will be auto generated during the access validation.

module.exports = {
posts: [
"add:post", // define a custom query
["fields()", ["*body"]], // only allow "body" field, * makes it mandatory
"mod()", // auto assign some fields
id: "$id", // tx id
owner: "$signer", // tx signer
date: "$ms", // tx date in millisecond
["allow()"], // allow the query
"delete:post", // define a custom query for deletion
[ // "=$" will assign the result of the following FPJSON to a variable
["=$isOwner", ["equals", "$signer", "$old.owner"]], // check if signer is data owner
["allowifall()", ["$isOwner"]], // allow the query if $isOwner is true


Write necessary tests in test/test.js as you build your DB settings.
weavedb-tools runs WeaveDB offchain, so the tests will be extremely fast.

  it("should execute queries", async () => {
// add a post
const tx = await db.query("add:post", { body: "test" }, "posts", userAuth)
expect(await db.get("posts", tx.docID)).to.eql({
body: "test",
id: tx.docID, // auto-assigned
owner: user.address.toLowerCase(), // auto-assigned
date: tx.transaction.timestamp, // auto-assigned
// delete the post by the same user
await db.query("delete:post", "posts", tx.docID, userAuth)
expect(await db.get("posts", tx.docID)).to.eql(null)

Then run the tests.

yarn test

2. Run Rollup Node


We are preparing Rollup-as-a-Service. But for now, please run your own locally.

Once you have built and thoroughly tested the DB settings, deploy the DB to a local rollup node.

Generate Test Accounts

You can generate crypto accounts with yarn keygen.
You will need at least 3 EVM accounts for rollup admin, DB contract owner, and user
and 1 Arweave account for rollup bundler.
Go to your project root directory.

yarn keygen admin
yarn keygen owner
yarn keygen user
yarn keygen bundler -t ar # for Arweave account

The generated accounts are stored under /.weavedb/accounts.
List the accounts.

yarn accounts

You can also import existing accounts in /weavedb.config.js.

Clone WeaveDB Repo

Now get out of the project folder and clone the WeaveDB repo at your preferred place.

git clone
cd weavedb

Write Configuration

Write a rollup configuration file at /grpc-node/node-server/weavedb.standalone.config.js.
Copy the entire content of /your_project/.weavedb/accounts/ar/bundler.json, and privateKey from /your_project/.weavedb/accounts/evm/admin.json.

module.exports = {
admin: "admin_private_key",
bundler: { /* Arweave bundler account */ },
rollups: { }, // this can be empty or pre-defined

Run Node

Make sure docker and docker-compose are installed on your machine.
Then go to the weavedb repo root directory.

yarn run-rollup

Now the rollup node can receive queries at localhost:8080.

4. Run Explorer

You could simply use our publicly deployed explorer at

To Run the latest explorer locally, go to the explorer directory at /weavedb/explorer in another terminal.

yarn # install dependencies
yarn dev

Now the explorer is running at localhost:3000.

5. Test DB Locally

To deploy your DB to the local rollup node, go back to your project root directory.

yarn deploy db_name --owner owner

Configure the instance with the DB settings.

yarn setup db_name --owner owner

Now your DB is all set!
You could write some scripts with weavedb-node-client, and play around with it.

const SDK = require("weavedb-node-client")
const accounts = require("./lib/accounts")

const main = async key => {
const userAuth = { privateKey: accounts.evm.user.privateKey }
const db = new SDK({ rpc: "localhost:8080", contractTxId: "db_name" })
// add a post
await db.query("add:post", { body: "test" }, "posts", userAuth)
// get posts
console.log(await db.get("posts"))
// delete a post
await db.query("add:post", { body: "test" }, "posts", userAuth)


Then execute it.

node scripts/demo.js

You could see the transactions in the explorer at

6. Enable Rollup to Arweave / Warp

To enable rollup to the warp sequencer, simply turn on the rollup setting in weavedb.confg.js, and redeploy.


You cannot change the rollup settings for deployed instances. So you need to deploy a new DB.
This is because every single transaction should include a signature with L1 contractTxId for L1/L2 verifiability, but non-rollup DBs have transactions without L1 contractTxId.

module.exports = {
db: {
app: "http://localhost:3000",
name: "Demo Dapp",
rollup: true, // set this true
plugins: {},
accounts: { evm: {}, ar: {} },
defaultNetwork: "localhost",
networks: {
localhost: { url: "localhost:8080", admin: "admin" },

Then redeploy the DB.

yarn deploy db_name_prod --owner owner
yarn setup db_name_prod --owner owner

Now you can see rollup blocks in the explorer at