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gRPC Node


gRPC node is not up to date with the latest contract versions. Please try the local SDK for now.
We are currently developing a managed node service so you won't need to set up your own node.
The managed node service will be decentralized in the future.

SmartWeave moves computations off chain onto the client-side for unlimited scalability. But this is not all good news. Even with the lazy execution model, end users need to cache the transactions and compute the current contract states as they need. This makes queries very slow at times.

A gRPC node comes between the WeaveDB contract and browsers and does all the work for thousands of browser clients, so the end-users don't have to do any calculations, let alone holding a huge load of unnecessary cache. Instead it gives back cached data within 1 second for read queries, and processes smart contract transactions within 3 seconds for write queries, which achieves the same UX as most web2 apps.

Browser clients can use the Light Client, instead of the full featured SDK wrapping the Warp SDK.

Set up a Node


Install docker and docker-compose globally to your machine. And open port 8080 for anyone.


Add weavedb.config.js to /grpc-node/node-server directory.

module.exports = {
contractTxId: "xxxxxxxx..."


There are 3 ways to specify the contractTxId in the config file.

  • single contract - set one string id to allow single DB instance.
    contractTxId: "xxxxx..."
  • multiple contracts - set an array of ids to allow multiple DB instances.
    contractTxId: [ "xxxxx...", "yyyyy...", "zzzzz..." ]
  • any contracts - set allowAnyContracts to true

When you have old contracts, they need to be specified in the contractTxId, and you can still allow any contracts.

module.exports = {
contractTxId: ["xxxxx...@old", "yyyyy...@old"],
allowAnyContracts: true

Then build and run the docker container.

State Cache

You can choose state cache DB for weavedb-sdk-node from lmdb(default), leveldb, and redis.

Set a prefix for Redis keys with cache_prefix option.

module.exports = {
cache: "redis",
cache_prefix: "grpc_node"

Store Snapshots in Google Cloud Storage

Due to the concept of lazy evaluation, initializing contracts with a large number of transactions is extremely slow.

You can save snapshots in cloud storage such as GCP and AWS.

To use Google Cloud Storage, specify gcs option in weavedb.config.js.

module.exports = {
gcs: {
bucket: "[bucket_name]",
keyFilename: "[service_account_key_file_location]",

For example, to use the project default bucket with the default service account,

  • go to Cloud Console
  • set up a project and the storage (note the projectId)
  • get a service account key file from Project Settings > Service accounts
  • store it at /grpc-node/node-server/gcs.json
module.exports = {
gcs: {
bucket: "[projectId]",
keyFilename: "gcs.json",

Store Snapshots in Amazon S3

There is another option to store data in the cloud, Amazon S3.

To use Amazon S3, specify s3 option in weavedb.config.js.

module.exports = {
s3: {
bucket: "[s3_bucket_name]",
prefix: "[key_prefix_for_the_s3_bucket]",
accessKeyId: "[aws_access_key_id]",
secretAccessKey: "[aws_access_secret_key]",
region: "[aws_s3_region]",
useDualstackEndpoint: true, // true by default. If you would like to use s3 compatible services, you might need to make it false.
endpoint: null, // null by default. If you would like to use s3 compatible services, you need to setup this option. e.g. ""


Periodical Snapshot Dump

To set up the span to update snapshot, use snapshot_span. It defaults to 3 hours.

module.exports = {
snapshot_span: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3 // every 3 hours

Redis for Remote Query Cache

You can use Redis for multiple nodes to share the same remote cache for queries.

Use redis option in weavedb.config.js.

module.exports = {
redis: {
url: "redis://localhost:6379", // or redis://redis:6379 for docker containers
prefix: "weavedb" // prefix for cache keys

WeaveDB Offchain

The node uses weavedb-offchain for internal contract management, which is backed by Redis.

module.exports = {
offchain_db: {
url: "redis://redis:6379", // for docker containers
prefix: "contract_manager" // prefix for cache keys

Global Rate Limit Counter

You can set limit accesses for all each contracts.

To use this setting, specify ratelimit option in weavedb.config.js.

You need to setup redis setting as well.

The below setting enables you to limit 300 accesses in 5 min.

module.exports = {
ratelimit: {
every: 5,
limit: 300
redis: {
url: "redis://localhost:6379"

Run docker-compose

yarn run-node

Now you can interact with the node using the Light Client.

Deploy on Local Machine

Deploying a WeaveDB node on your local machine is much easier than on a cloud service.

1. Clone the WeaveDB monorepo
git clone
cd weavedb
2. Create a configuration file at /node/net/grpc/gateway/weavedb/node-server/weavedb.config.js.

You can copy the newly generated wallet from the previous step to wallet.

For the contractTxId, you can run a local instance and copy the displayed contractTxId.

Use host.docker.internal as host to internally connect from the docker container.

module.exports = {
contractTxId: "xxxxx...",
host: "host.docker.internal",
port: 1820,
protocol: "http"

Or use our public demo contract.

module.exports = {
contractTxId: "2ohyMxM2Z2exV4dVLgRNa9jMnEY09H_I-5WkkZBR0Ns"
3. Install Docker and Docker Compose according to your environment
4. Run Docker Compose
yarn run-node
5. Set the instance IP address to the Light Client
  • Create an Next.js app and install weavedb-client
npx create-next-app@latest test-node
cd test-node
yarn add weavedb-client
yarn dev

In case of using our public demo contract, you should be able to fetch wall comments like below.


import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
import client from "weavedb-client"

export default function Home() {
const [ok, setOK] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
;(async () => {
const db = new client({
contractTxId: "2ohyMxM2Z2exV4dVLgRNa9jMnEY09H_I-5WkkZBR0Ns",
rpc: "http://localhost:8080",
setOK((await db.get("wall", 1)).length > 0)
}, [])
return <div>{ok ? "ok" : "not ok"}</div>

Deploy on GCP

This is how you would deploy a WeaveDB node using Compute Engine on Google Cloud Platform.

1. Go to Google Cloud Console for Compute Engine and create a new instance.
  • Change the Boot Disk to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, x86/64, amd64 bionic image
  • Allow HTTP traffic
  • Allow HTTPS traffic
2. Go to VPC network > IP addresses and RESERVE the external IP address assigned to the instance.
3. Go to your name server provider such as Cloudflare, and create an A record directed to the IP address of the instance in the DNS records of your domain.
4. SSH into the instance
  • Install Docker
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install
  • Install Docker Compose
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • Clone the WeaveDB monorepo
git clone
  • Create and edit weavedb.config.js with your favorite editor such as nano
nano weavedb/grpc-node/node-server/weavedb.config.js
module.exports = {
contractTxId: "xxxxxxxx..."
  • Move to weavedb/grpc-node, build and run docker-compose.
cd weavedb/grpc-node
sudo docker-compose up --build
  • Set up NGINX with SSL/TLS certificate using Certbot
sudo apt-get install nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx
  • Edit the nginx config file
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
  • Replace with your domain
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
root /var/www/html;
  • Check the syntax of the config file and restart nginx
sudo nginx -t && sudo nginx -s reload
  • Obtain the SSL/TLS certificate

Replace with your domain

sudo certbot --nginx -d
  • Edit the config file again and make it look like the following
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Replace with the internal IP of the instance

server {
listen 443 ssl http2; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot
location /weavedb.DB {
grpc_pass grpc://;
  • Check the syntax of the config file and restart nginx
sudo nginx -t && sudo nginx -s reload
5. Set the instance URL to the Light Client
import client from "weavedb-client"

const db = new client({
rpc: "" // gRPC node URL

Manage Node with Admin Contract

WeaveDB nodes can be remotely managed by an admin WeaveDB contract.


1. Deploy a fresh WeaveDB contract

You can go to the Web Console and deploy one. This will be the admin contract.

Note that currently the contract owner has to be an Arweave account.

2. Add Settings

Add admin option to weavedb.confg.js.

  • contractTxId : the admin contract previously deployed
  • owner : the wallet JSON of the owner of the admin contract
module.exports = {
admin: {
contractTxId: "xyz...",
owner: {
kty: "RSA",
3. Set up the WeaveDB Instance

Once you start the node with the admin settings, make a grpc call to your node using light-client.

const SDK = require("weavedb-node-client") // or weavedb-client
const db = new SDK({ contractTxId, rpc })
await db.admin({ op: "setup" }, { ar: admin_wallet })


The admin can add user addresses to the whitelist, and whitelisted users can add contracts to the node.

limit is an optional field to limit the number of contracts the user can deploy.

await db.admin({ op: "whitelist", address, allow: true, limit: 5 }, { ar: admin_wallet })

Reset Cache

The admin can delete cache and reconstruct it.

await db.admin({ op: "reset_cache", contractTxId }, { ar: admin_wallet })

Add Contract to Node

The user must be whitelisted to add a contract.

await db.admin({ op: "add_contract", contractTxId }, { ar: user_wallet })

Remove Contract from Node

The user must be the contract registrator.

await db.admin({ op: "remove_contract", contractTxId }, { ar: user_wallet })

Remove Contract from Node

The user must be the contract registrator.

await db.admin({ op: "remove_contract", contractTxId }, { ar: user_wallet })

Get Node Stats

db.node is for read queries to the node, whereas db.admin is for write queries. To get some node stats,

await db.node({ op: "stats" })